6:00 PM18:00

Artes, Humanidades y Empresa. Un encuentro necesario.

¿Puede existir la innovación sin las Humanidades? Desde hace unos años hay una tendencia a la contratación de perfiles del ámbito de las Humanidades en empresas. ¿Qué valor y qué habilidades aportan las formaciones humanísticas en el sector empresarial?

Can innovation exist without the Humanities? For a few years there has been a trend towards hiring profiles from the field of Humanities in companies. What value and what skills do humanistic training provide in the business sector?


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12:00 PM12:00

Sustainability Within: Ernst & Young Global

How do the principles of sustainability apply within us, in our internal ecosystem?

Corporate offsite experience for 60 executives working in the area of sustainabilty. This was a one-day event integrating a nature-walk underpinned by the philosophical provocations of Cervantes’ Don Quijote. This guided conversation facilitated an exchange of ideas around how the inner working of our human systems connect with our wider ecosystem. Participants were also asked to engage in a collective artistic activity designed to be fun, enhance the group’s collective imagination and provide a sense of unity among participants.

Two biologists (Pilar Lacasta & Miguel Anton) also collaborated on project, bringing relevant insights about the local ecology.

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12:00 PM12:00

The London School of Economics: Economics of Fear

AMYGDALA DILEMA: An Artistic Reflection on the Economics of Fear

For this workshop we used an abstract painting exercise as an instrument for conceptual sense-making to create deeper levels of interdisciplinary inquiry into the subject of fear and facilitate collaboration between dissimilar groups, fostering an appreciation for diverse and pluralistic points of view.

As the war in Ukraine unfolds, global uncertainty has surged. But uncertainty is a nebulous concept. It reflects uncertainty in the minds of consumers, managers, and policymakers about future events (that may or may not happen). It is also a broad concept relating to macro phenomena like GDP growth and micro phenomena like the growth rate of firms, elections, wars, and climate change. 

Psychology and neuroscience tell us that uncertainty instantly arouses our fight-or-flight reaction. It fires up our amygdala. Our survival brain will do almost anything for the sake of certainty because we are hardwired to overestimate threats and underestimate our ability to handle them. But recent research in the field of neuro-economics is providing evidence that not all amygdalae are created equal, and as a consequence, some of us respond more cooperatively and manage our fear by taking a longer view on risk, whilst others respond more individualistically and seek short term remedies to attend to economic anxieties. 

Benefits for participants:

  • improved visual literacy and confidence around how to integrate art into one’s own research

  • cultivation of creativity through cross pollination of ideas, observation, active listening, and experimentation

  • access to collective intelligence and shared meaning

  • a deeper understanding of the impact fear has on individual choice/decision-making and how this connects to the broader socio-environmental-economic paradigm.

Human Hive

Collective Painting made by participants: A HUMAN HIVE

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12:00 PM12:00

The London School of Economics: What if the Entire World Lived in One City?

  • LSE Generate 52 Sardinia Street London, WC2A 3LZ United Kingdom (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Inter-disciplinary abstract art workshop focused on how we might learn to reconcile our capacity to see the world not only in part, but in whole. Philosophical underpinnings are based on the work of philosopher/neuroscientist, Iain McGilchrist, and applied to the current global urban condition, specifically drawing upon ideas by Niel Brenner, Joyce Hsiang and Bimal Mendis. A combination of discussion and painting exercises will flesh out ideas on how we might re-conceptualise our global population into one seamless landscape: What if the Entire World Lived in One City?

Today the world is facing intertwined challenges of food, water and energy security, coupled with climate change, desertification and shrinking forests. Within a few decades' time, we can expect the planet to become more crowded, resources more precious, and innovative urban planners increasingly important.

By midcentury, the global population will likely top nine billion, and more than half of us will live in cities. What will these cities look like? Will we have the resources to power them and comfortably provide for their residents? Will global urbanisation harmonise with efforts to curb climate change and secure a sustainable future?

We can approach cities through a narrow focus on an individual building or a neighborhood or one particular metropolis or expand the investigation to consider the whole global system of cities and their interconnectedness, with each-other and within what is traditionally considered rural. What's more, we can think about cities as built environments, social networks, modified ecologies, economic systems and political entities.

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to Feb 28

HIGHER GROUND - The Birdbox Project

Collaboration with artist, Paul Taylor, HaMiffal in Jerusalem and Bethlehem, Palestine

The Bird Box Project: Construction of 250 birdhouses built and erected with young people across Israel and Palestine. Objectives are to re-establish dwindling native bird species, encourage creativity, permit humour, get people to think outside-the-box, encourage a birds-eye macro view of the land and its people, to offer shelter from the storm, to build a home.

This project was put on hold due to Covid constraints.

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to Jun 29


INSET day at Lena Gardens Primary School, Shepherds Bush

Exploring our sense-of-self and our connectedness to others, as embodied in water. “Sometimes I feel I am still, like a lake, but sometimes my insides roar like a waterfall and my emotions flow out of me like a river.”

Activities involved: breath-work, free-flow writing exercises and water colour painting. Philosophical discourse around what it means to be in a state of flow.

Images produced by the children were later set in resin by other children from the community and incorporated into a public art display in Shepherds Bush.

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to Mar 29


Therapeutic Arts activity with a select group of children with behaviour issues.

Sometimes it just happens: we turn into scary monsters. But even inside the scariest of monster we find beauty.

Therapeutic sessions with small groups of children. Discussion around monster behaviour and why the monster is often so misunderstood. Images of deep sea creatures, particularly the Angler Fish, were used to prompt discussion. We then looked at a photographic cross-section of the Angler Fish eggs, which are beautiful representations of the fibonacci pattern sequence. Over the course of three weeks we made a collective painting of eggs (using our fingers) and philosophically explored patters within nature and our own behaviour. The children then performed the poem, which we wrote together.

A Monster's Beauty

F   or some will see disorder, chaos and anarchy—

I   n other light they'll hear a humble symphony: 

B  eauty spun in spirals, expanding secretly   

O   n every turn I grow, in my humanity. 

N   ot that I may stumble in my ability; 

A  nger blinds me sometimes (I act haphazardly).

C  louded by a storm of fear, of pure delinquency,

C  ourage guides me still ahead, expands invisibly.

I  do hope you recognise my magnanimity!

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to Mar 17


Saturday Sessions: Private Bookings

Morning philosophy sessions with tweens experiencing shifts in family dynamics. Small group discussions and therapeutic arts exercises focussed on the ways in which family relationships change over time.

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9:30 AM09:30



Collective painting exercise around the theme of IDENTITY. What makes me special? What is my super-power? How can I be more myself and not worry about trying to be someone else?

During an assembly I shared an African mythological story of the Baobab Tree, which is the story of a tree that wasn’t quite comfortable in his own skin. We broke up into small groups and discussed what it means to have an identity and what it feels like when we sense that we've somehow lost part/all of that identity. We then finger painted a large collective painting—nursery and reception children painted the leaves and each year group had a tree. The text on the painting was inspired by the children.


The lines that spiral round my hallowed soul

my imprint, a gift to share with the world.

I am the story of the mighty BAOBAB 

among the first to appear on the land.

Held tight between roots and branches,

I am whole --

undeterred by the Fig tree or the Palm.

And so it is with each year passing

beautiful blossoms I sprout.

Growing braver  in my Being

and in my Becoming.

I shall forever bend

            and forever reach, towards the sky.


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7:30 PM19:30


Philosophical Supper Club. Ticketed Event, open to the public. Are we Human BEINGS or human DOINGS?

Guided-conversation with a group of 50 women around the paradox of being vs doing in our everyday lives.

Hosted by Hubdot at The Imperial Restaurant (Private Dining Room) 577 Kings Road, London, SW6 2EH

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9:00 AM09:00

ON WATER: World Water Forum, Stockholm

What happens after a Public-Private-Paternership is terminated?

Ticketed Event: Open to those attending The World Water Forum

There are many well-known cases of public-private partnership contracts (PPPs) for water supply that have been terminated early.  These cases are visible across the world from the  ‘water wars’ in Bolivia to the lengthy arbitration case in west Manila and have been widely publicised. But what has happened since the termination?  

In this workshop I will present and discuss detailed case studies of PPP terminations from industrialised and developing countries to start to address these questions and to draw out lessons relevant for future policy design.

The event is organised by Olivia Jenson, from the Institute of Water Policy.

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7:30 PM19:30


  • King's Road London, England United Kingdom (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Philosophical guided conversation over supper with a group of 80 women about what we might learn from Epicurus. Ticketed Event, open to the public.

There are three mistakes identified by Epicurus about the way we think about happiness.

1. We think having romantic sexual relationships brings us happiness but we actually find more happiness through platonic friendships; 2. We think that we need money but when we consider the sacrifices to getting this money, what actually makes us happy is feeling we are making/have made a difference; 3. Beneath a love of luxury, what we really crave is a sense of calm.

Epicurus not only wanted to understand the world, he also wanted to transform it.

Hosted by Hubdot at The Imperial Restaurant (Private Dining Room) 577 Kings Road, London, SW6 2EH

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6:30 AM06:30


‘The Story of the Universe: Our Story’,

An educational enrichment day for 400 children at St James Junior School where children will explore the history of the universe from the big bang to present day and their perspectives on their place within it. Teachers at St James will provide a creative blend of lessons using art, creative writing, mathematics and dance.

Our team is led by former Imperial College PhD in cosmology Dagny Yousuf-Kimberly and includes: Professor Jonathan Halliwell from the Theoretical Physics at Imperial College, Geraldine Cox, artist in residence at Imperial College, and myself. 

Thank you to the team at Global Generation, Kings Cross, who warmly hosted, facilitated and inspired us at our project planning event.

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6:30 PM18:30


Ticketed Event, open to the public.

Philosophical guided conversation over supper with a group of 60 women on the topic of LOVE.

What is love? What are the types of love we experience? Is love innate? Are we all born with the capacity for love? An exploration of Eros, Philia & Agape

Hosted by Hubdot, Luxenbourg

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10:00 AM10:00


Private Booking.

Conversations with children (while painting nebulas) about our expanding universe. The idea is to give children a sense of connectedness by making them realise that nothing in our universe is separate. That we are all part of one whole.  

-           that we are made up of atoms/particles

-           that atoms/particles don’t act separately, they act together

-           that the waves within these particles send out vibrations

-           that we are woven into a web of vibrating energies

-           that within this web, information is being exchanged

-          that we are responsible for our own vibrations

-          that these vibrations are our way of connecting to the earth

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7:00 PM19:00


Ticketed Event, open to the public.

Philosophical guided conversation over supper with a group of 30 women on the topic of LOVE.

What is love? What are the types of love we experience? Is love innate? Are we all born with the capacity for love? AN exploration of Eros, Philia & Agape

Hosted by Hubdot at The Grove; 83 Hammersmith Grove, London W6 0NQ

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to Jul 12


Beauty in mathematics is seeing the truth without effort - George Polya

2 week Summer camp: Nurturing Numbers through Art, Nature & Games

A math enrichment workshop spread over two weeks.

The workshop involves nature walks, to discuss symmetry vs asymmetry, order vs disorder and patterns we observe in the natural world (e.g. Fibonacci). 

We learn strategy & critical thinking through dice games and use painting exercises to visualise ratios/dimensions and to rethink the application of times-tables.

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